About Us

Rising Hearts is made up of volunteer community advocates against intimate partner violence that work with victims regardless of whether they have reported a crime.

We do this by listening to our clients and offering them support for their current needs. Every client will get assistance with creating a safety plan and a general list of resources upon initial contact.

Our resource referral list includes:

-Counseling and support groups.

-Low cost/Free attorney and legal support agencies.

-Low cost/Free child care assistance for low income families.

-Compiled list of shelters in the county.

-Food/diaper banks.

-Medical and Doctor facilities

-Affordable housing/section 8

-Government Assistance programs

and more.

We call our list of resources on behalf of our client to compile a list of available and helpful resources which include but are not limited to shelter and financial needs.

We provide clothing for men, women, and children along with household necessities, diapers, shoes and *furniture. In emergency situations we are able to assist clients with *gas cards, *hotel stays, and *groceries.

*Items are based of donations.

Our goal at Rising Hearts is to diminish the 1,200+ service requests that go unmet in San Diego area by providing survivors resources they need.

In the event that a client has a current restraining order violated and a police report documenting the violation, we will relocate them to another state where they will get shelter placement while they work towards rebuilding a better tomorrow.